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FourStr: When Multi-sensor Fusion Meets Semi-supervised Learning

IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2023, DOI: 10.1109/ICRA48891.2023.10161363

Abstract: This research proposes a novel semi-supervised learning framework FourStr (Four-Stream formed by two two-stream models) that focuses on the improvement of fusion and labeling efficiency for 3D multi-sensor detector. FourStr adopts a multi-sensor single-stage detector named adaptive fusion network (AFNet) as the backbone and trains it through the semi-supervision learning (SSL) strategy Stereo Fusion. Note that multi-sensor AFNet and SSL Stereo Fusion can benefit each other. On the one hand, the Four-stream composed of two AFNets naturally provides rich inputs and large models for SSL Stereo Fusion. While other SSL works have to use massive augmentation to obtain rich inputs, and deepen and widen the network for large models. On the other hand, by the novel three fusion stages and Loss Pruning, Stereo Fusion improves the fusion and labeling efficiency for AFNet. Finally, extensive experiments demonstrate that FourStr performs excellently on outdoor dataset (KITTI and Waymo Open Dataset) and indoor dataset (SUN RGB-D), especially for the small contour objects. And compared to the fully-supervised methods, FourStr achieves similar accuracy with only 2% labeled data on KITTI (or with 50% labeled data on SUN RGB-D).
