
Bridging the Domain Gap: Self-Supervised 3D Scene Understanding with Foundation Models

Abstract: Foundation models have made significant strides in 2D and language tasks such as image segmentation, object detection, and visual-language understanding. Nevertheless, their potential to enhance 3D scene representation learning remains largely untapped due to the domain gap.

Rethinking 3D Geometric Feature Learning for Neural Reconstruction

Abstract: Recent advances in neural reconstruction using posed image sequences have made remarkable progress. However, due to the lack of depth information, existing volumetric-based techniques simply duplicate 2D image features of the object surface along the entire camera ray.

Disentangling Object Motion and Occlusion for Unsupervised Multi-frame Monocular Depth

Abstract: Conventional self-supervised monocular depth prediction methods are based on a static environment assumption, which leads to accuracy degradation in dynamic scenes due to the mismatch and occlusion problems introduced by object motions.

Advancing Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Learning with Sparse LiDAR

Abstract: Self-supervised monocular depth prediction provides a cost-effective solution to obtain the 3D location of each pixel. However, the existing approaches usually lead to unsatisfactory accuracy, which is critical for autonomous robots.

FourStr: When Multi-sensor Fusion Meets Semi-supervised Learning

Abstract: This research proposes a novel semi-supervised learning framework FourStr (Four-Stream formed by two two-stream models) that focuses on the improvement of fusion and labeling efficiency for 3D multi-sensor detector. FourStr adopts a multi-sensor single-stage detector named adaptive fusion network (AFNet) as the backbone and trains it through the semi-supervision learning (SSL) strategy Stereo Fusion.

Class-Level Confidence Based 3D Semi-Supervised Learning

Abstract: Recent state-of-the-art method FlexMatch firstly demonstrated that correctly estimating learning status is crucial for semi-supervised learning (SSL). However, the estimation method proposed by FlexMatch does not take into account imbalanced data, which is the common case for 3D semi-supervised learning.

Automated Wall-Climbing Robot for Concrete Construction Inspection

Abstract: Human-made concrete structures require cutting-edge inspection tools to ensure the quality of the construction to meet the applicable building codes and to maintain the sustainability of the aging infrastructure. This paper introduces a wall-climbing robot for metric concrete inspection that can reach difficult-to-access locations with a close-up view for visual data collection and real-time flaws detection and localization.