Visual Computing

ISANA: Wearable Context-Aware Indoor Assistive Navigation with Obstacle Avoidance for the Blind

Abstract: This paper presents a novel mobile wearable context-aware indoor maps and navigation system with obstacle avoidance for the blind. The system includes an indoor map editor and an App on Tango devices with multiple modules.

Construction and Realization of a 3D Perceptual System Based on 2D Laser Radar

Abstract: This paper presents a 3D perceptual system based on 2D laser radar LMS291. The proposed system utilizes intelligent module to add a degree of freedom to LMS291. A new method of synchronization between LMS291 and intelligent module was proposed.

3D Reconstruction Embedded System Based on Laser Scanner for Mobile Robot

Abstract: For 3D reconstruction technology based on laser ranging for mobile robot, this paper presents the design of real-time embedded system for 3D data processing. Firstly, this paper introduces the home and abroad research situation of laser ranging for mobile robot, and analysis the method of 3D data acquisition with 2D laser scanner and ID driving motor module.